Tender of execution of Finishing Works of 9 & 12 Marla Villas are available. The work includes (flooring, wood works, kitchen, cabinets, false ceiling, electric works, washroom works, distemper works & other finishing works as per BOQs). Desirous firms/contractors (enlisted with DHA Bwp) with experience in finishing works are requested to collect tender from DHA Bwp P&D Branch. BOQs/Drawings will be issued at the cost of Rs. 5,000/- alongwith bid issuance letter. These documents can be collected till 9 December 2019 and bids duly signed / stamped should be deposited in the same office till 1300 hrs on 10 January 2020.
In case of any query/ question, please contact Additional Director Contract, at cell number 0345-1875225, 0345-1875231, 0345-1875235