1. DHA Bahawalpur intends to hire well reputed firms for Resident Supervision Services of Civil and Electrical Infrastructure Works.
2. Proposals are invited from Reputable Consultants (Engineering Organizations/Firms):
a. Having PEC registration in relevant field with relevant experience as mentioned in the RFP, and
b. Registered with income tax and sales tax departments and who are on active tax payers list of the Federal Board of Revenue
3. RFP document can be purchased from the P&D Branch, Contract Section DHA Bahawalpur (address at the end of this RFP)during working hours and working days on written request on firm’s letter head accompanied with pay order/demand draft amounting to Rs. 5,000/- (non-refundable) in favor of DHA Bahawalpur till 24 Mar 2021.
4. Bidding will be carried out by adopting “Single Stage Two Envelopes” procedure. The proposals complete in all respects, in accordance with the instructions provided in the RFP document, in sealed envelopes should reach on or before 1400 hrs 25 Mar 2021.
5. Bidders are required to submit their bids strictly in accordance with Instructions to Consultants, and Data Sheet given in RFP documents. Proposals must be prepared in hard book binding form to deny the possibility of addition or removal of page(s).
6. The Technical Proposals shall be opened on 25 March 2021 at 1430 hrs, whereas the financial proposals of technically qualified firms shall be opened after finalization of technical evaluation. Other details are provided in the RFP.
7. All the applicable Federal, Provincial and Local taxes must be considered while preparing the financial proposals.
8. The Firms/Consultants providing unsubstantiated and/or incorrect information are liable to disqualification and legal action.
9. DHA Bahawalpur reserve the right to accept or reject any or all proposals as per the policy.
Postal Address: Defence Housing Authority Bahawalpur
(P&D Branch, Contract Section)
Jinnah Avenue APE Canal Road Main Boulevard II, Bwp.
Telephone No: 0345-1875225, 0345-1875231